Reformation Day

Did you know that today is Reformation Day? Until a few weeks ago I didn’t either.


If you’re like me you spent most of your life hearing about the Restoration and then getting confused when you heard about the Reformation.

Somebody: Luther started the Reformation.
Me: I think you mean the Restoration.
Somebody: Um, no. I said it correctly. The RE-FOR-MA-TION. Get with the program.
Me: But… nevermind.

Anyway, back to today. It’s Reformation Day.

Today is the day that in 1517 Martin Luthur walked up to the door of Whittenberg Church in Germany and nailed his 95 thesis there for the world to see.

Well, more than likely he sent a letter to Archbishop Albrecht with the thesis and then posted the letter on the door of the church. Maybe. (One book I have said that Luther sent a “polite letter”)

Regardless, that one act of defiance and passion has had a lasting effect on Christianity as we know it.

I love One Person stories. You know what I’m talking about. Stories where one person, despite all the odds, in spite of the people who threaten, regardless of the danger and mounting opposition stand up for what they believe in and in so doing change the course of history.

Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures, or by evident reason (for I put my faith neither in popes nor councils alone, since it is established that they have erred again and again and contradicted one another), I am bound by the scriptural evidence adduced by me, and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot, I will not recant anything, for it is neither safe nor right to act against one’s conscience. God help me. Amen.– Luther, 17 April 1521

Regardless of how you come down on the Reformation or on Luther himself, take a little time today and celebrate that the seemingly small acts of one man made it so that you can read your own Bible, attend the church of your choosing, and pray to God on your own.

So eat a big fat burger (Papal Bull) and pass out some gummi worms (Diet of Worms) to trick or treaters tonight* in celebration of Reformation Day.

*Reformation Day celebration ideas via Tony at The Shepherd’s Scrapbook