Got Dirt In Your Well?

I’ve been reading through the One Year Bible since the beginning of the year and I am really enjoying my time in God’s Word. A while back I came across a curious incident that happened in Isaac’s life that really resonated with me. I haven’t stopped thinking about this powerful truth and I wanted to share my thoughts about it.

In Genesis 26, a severe famine threatened Isaac and his family. God tells Isaac to stay where he is and that God would bless him. Isaac follows God’s instructions and stays put. He plants crops and soon sees that God is faithful to the promise. We are told that God gives him a hundredfold harvest. God is true to his word.

However, the blessing that Isaac receives causes envy to crop up in the hearts of the Philistines that live around Isaac. According to Genesis 26:15, Isaac’s enemies fill his water wells with dirt!

“That year Isaac’s crops were tremendous! He harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the LORD blessed him. He became a rich man, and his wealth only continued to grow. He acquired large flocks of sheep and goats, great herds of cattle, and many servants. Soon the Philistines became jealous of him, and they filled up all of Isaac’s wells with earth. These were the wells that had been dug by the servants of his father, Abraham.” (Genesis 26:12-15 NLT)

Can you believe that!?! Talk about being bitter! Isn’t this what life is like sometimes.

There is always someone that will be quick to fill your well with dirt. This doesn’t mean that God’s blessing has left you. It doesn’t mean that God’s favor has moved on.

It just means that someone is envious of the relationship and blessings that you are experiencing with God. What others say and do to you doesn’t really matter. Your approval rating is given to you by The One who counts and He promises to fill you with living water when you remain faithful to Him.

What really matters is how you respond when your well in sabotaged. Will you lash out in anger? Will you wither in despair? While you can’t control the jealousy in the hearts of those you encounter you can & must control your response.