Weekly 5 – December 14 Edition

Here are the 5 Best Things I Read This Week:

Design Like Apple, Name Like P&G – Seth Godin
Seth nails it (as always) in this post about your approach to naming projects and products. Make names remarkable not iBoring.

Storing Up – Pete Wilson
What things are your storing up in your heart and mind? Are they good things or bad things? Pete invites us to remember what Jesus says about good and bad fruit as he challenges us to make sure we are feeding our souls with the right things.

Ever Wonder What the Face of God Looks Like – Carlos Whitaker
This post brought so much delight to my heart as I read it. The picture is absolutely priceless and I’m planning on incorporating this into my sermon next week.

Hugh Jackman: The Most Important Thing – All Pro Dad
I mean, who wouldn’t take parenting advice from Wolverine and Jean Valjean?!?! Jackman  challenges every working dad to take family seriously.

Seth Godin Quotes – LifeChngr
A great collection of Seth Godin quotes. Lots to mine here.